


October 11th, 2025 Kenton County Golf Courses


Saturday, September 14th, 2024 Kenton County Golf Courses

Supporting local families in need by bringing together friends, family and other community members for a day-long celebration of love, hope, and healing.

2024 LMGO Beneficiaries

All proceeds from The 18th Annual Luke Muller Golf Outing and After Party will benefit Mason McMahon and Boone Studer.

Mason McMahon

Mason McMahon is 4 years old and was diagnosed with B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on June 17th, 2023.  Mason would get common colds and fevers that he just couldnt shake for weeks at a time.  After having a fever for a week, Masons parents pushed his doctor to get bloodwork done which he did on June 14th, 2023.  About two hours later they recieved a call from the doctor to go to Childrens Hospital ER immediately as his blood counts were showing obvious signs of cancer.  Mason spent 35 days inpatient at Childrens, and will be undergoing treatment until August of 2025.  He has handled everything incredibly well and is currently doing great.  When he isnt getting treatment, he spends all of his time playing with his siblings Avery and Chase.

Boone Studer

Boone is 3 years old and was born with Epidermolysis Bullosa, often referred to as ‘The Worst Disease You’ve Never Heard Of’ or EB. EB is the result of a mutated gene that causes Boone to not produce an important protein in his skin called Collagen 7, a protein that helps our skin bind together. This results in his skin blistering with even the slightest bit of friction. EB affects not just the outside of the body, as he also suffers from blisters inside his mouth, throat, esophagus, and GI tract. There is currently no cure for EB and up until 2023 there were no approved treatments. He wears bandages on his body as a protective barrier to healthy areas of skin, while also protecting blistered areas from infection. Despite what Boone endures on a daily basis, he never lets that slow him down. He works closely with his world-renowned EB Team at Cincinnati Children’s as we continue to pray for a cure.

19th Annual Golf Outing

Saturday, October 11th, 2025
Kenton County Golf Courses
3908 Richardson Road
Independence, KY 41051

8:30 AM Registration
10:00 AM Shotgun Start
Lunch is provided


$125 per person for Golf, Lunch, & Games

Details and Sponsorship Opportunities:

  • Ace Sponsor
  • Eagle Sponsor
  • Birdie Sponsor
  • Caddy Sponsor
  • Hole Sponsor



Can’t golf? No Worries!
There is an After Party!

There are several ways in which you or your company can help us:

Become a
Corporate Sponsor

Participate in the Events
(Golf and/or Dinner)

Donate an Item for Our Raffle/Auction

Make a Monetary Donation
(Personal or Corporate)

Volunteer During
the Events